Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions​


To use an AI Chatbox similar to ChatGPT, well-thought Prompt Engineering is required to guide the AI to populate the answer with intelligent-sounding sentences.

However, ChatQPMO is not just a large language model developed by computer nerds. Instead, it is a collaborative project made by quality-oriented professional managers to use AI as a tool for their job.

ChatGPT for Facilities Solutions
EMARI Thinking Approach​

An Example of asking ChatGPT to solve a problem

Give me an example of a good ChatGPT prompt to solve a problem in 5 sentences.

Prompt: How can someone improve their time management skills?

  1. Time management is a crucial skill that can lead to increased productivity and reduced stress.
  2. One way to improve time management skills is to create a prioritized to-do list and set realistic deadlines for each task.
  3. Another approach is to eliminate distractions, such as social media or unnecessary meetings, during designated work times.
  4. Using time-tracking tools, like Pomodoro timers, can help individuals stay focused and motivated.
  5. Finally, it's important to regularly assess and adjust time management strategies to ensure they are effective and sustainable.

Not the answer we were looking for!

What are some of the tools and techniques to solve conflict with my coworkers?

  1. Active listening: Listen carefully to your coworkers to understand their perspective and demonstrate empathy towards their concerns.

  2. Clarify goals and expectations: Clearly define goals and expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.

  3. Seek mediation: If the conflict is serious or ongoing, consider seeking help from a mediator, either an internal mediator or an external third party, to facilitate discussions and help find a resolution.

  4. Use “I” statements: When discussing the conflict with your coworker, use "I" statements instead of "you" statements, which can come across as accusatory or confrontational.

  5. Brainstorm solutions: Work together with your coworkers to brainstorm potential solutions to the conflict, focusing on finding a mutually agreeable resolution that benefits everyone involved.

  6. Avoid making assumptions: Avoid making assumptions about your coworker's motivations or intentions, as this can escalate the conflict and make it harder to find a resolution.

  7. Take a break: If emotions are running high, take a break from the discussion to cool down and gather your thoughts before resuming the conversation.


Not Bad, but I need some tools and techniques... Such as the Six Thinking Hat!

Second Try: CHATGPT prompt engineering and good practices to ask questions on a problem

Prompt: What are some good practices for creating effective ChatGPT prompts to ask questions on a problem?

  1. Clearly define the problem or topic you want to address in the prompt, providing enough context and background information to ensure ChatGPT understands the problem and can provide relevant solutions.
  2. Use simple, concise language to communicate the problem to ChatGPT, avoiding technical jargon or ambiguous phrasing that could confuse or mislead the model.
  3. Be specific in your question, asking for actionable advice or solutions rather than general information or opinions.
  4. Provide examples or scenarios to help ChatGPT better understand the problem and provide more targeted solutions.
  5. Avoid biased or leading language in your prompt, allowing ChatGPT to provide unbiased and objective solutions.

Now, this is more like it...

Good application: Apply six thinking hat to this situation. My friend is upset with me over a deadline and I can't help him. what should I do?

Sure, here's an example of how to apply the six thinking hats to this situation:

  1. White Hat: Look at the facts and information. Identify the specific details surrounding the deadline and why you are unable to help your friend meet it. Consider any relevant policies, procedures, or constraints that may be contributing to the situation.

  2. Red Hat: Consider your emotions and intuition. Reflect on how you feel about the situation and your friend's reaction. Explore any underlying feelings of guilt, frustration, or resentment.

  3. Black Hat: Analyze potential problems and risks. Identify any negative consequences that may result from not meeting the deadline, both for your friend and for yourself. Consider how this may impact your relationship with your friend.

  4. Yellow Hat: Look for opportunities and benefits. Explore potential solutions or alternatives that could help your friend meet the deadline. Consider how this may strengthen your friendship or lead to other positive outcomes.

  5. Green Hat: Use creative thinking to generate ideas. Brainstorm potential solutions or ways to help your friend meet the deadline. Consider unconventional or out-of-the-box approaches.

  6. Blue Hat: Use meta-cognitive thinking to direct the thinking process. Set a goal for how you want to resolve the situation and consider the progress made towards that goal. Determine next steps, such as communicating with your friend, seeking additional resources or support, or exploring other alternatives.

By using the six thinking hats, you can approach the situation from multiple perspectives and generate a range of potential solutions or alternatives. This can help you make a more informed decision and take appropriate action to address the issue with your friend.

Very good, ChatGPT!


If you don't know the tools and techniques, you won't be able to look for the right solution.  Asking the right question is half-the-battle!  QualityPMO Director will be the person to ask the right questions, and the CHATQPMO is the tool to assist a QPMO in formulating the question correctly! 

DOE's Perspective

"Strategic Guidelines for Aligning AI Development with DOE Objectives"

For an AI professional who is already familiar with the fundamentals of Generative AI and is helping you develop an AI-driven tool, the document provides some key takeaways that can help align your project with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) strategic objectives, ensure compliance, and enhance the tool’s value proposition:

1. DOE’s Strategic Focus on Trustworthy AI

  • Trustworthiness is Paramount: The DOE emphasizes the development and deployment of AI systems that are trustworthy, which includes being safe, secure, resilient, explainable, and free from harmful biases. Your AI-driven tool should prioritize these characteristics to align with DOE’s expectations.
  • Compliance with NIST AI RMF: The DOE follows the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (NIST AI RMF) as the standard for managing AI risks. The tool should incorporate practices from the NIST AI RMF, particularly in areas like security, privacy, and transparency.

2. Importance of Human Oversight

  • Human-in-the-Loop: The document stresses the importance of human oversight to review AI outputs for accuracy, ethical considerations, and potential biases. Your tool should include features that facilitate easy human intervention and review, especially for critical outputs.
  • Bias Management: Implement strategies to detect and mitigate biases in your AI models. This is crucial for maintaining fairness and avoiding unintended consequences, which are key concerns for DOE.

3. Data Management and Privacy Considerations

  • Data Privacy: Given DOE’s strict adherence to data privacy and security, your tool should ensure that it does not inadvertently expose sensitive or protected data, especially when using public or third-party AI models.
  • DOE-Controlled Environments: If your tool will handle nonpublic or sensitive DOE data, ensure it operates within DOE-controlled environments or with models that comply with DOE’s security requirements.

4. Potential for Integration and Customization

  • Customization for DOE Use Cases: Tailor your AI tool to specific DOE use cases, such as document summarization, report generation, or data analysis. Customization will increase the relevance and utility of your tool within the DOE ecosystem.
  • Service Model Considerations: Consider whether your tool will be an off-the-shelf product, customized DOE-specific solution, or an internally developed tool. The service model chosen should align with DOE’s security and operational requirements.



    5. Staying Agile and Up-to-Date

    • Adapting to Evolving Standards: The document highlights that GenAI is rapidly evolving, and the DOE will continuously update its guidelines and best practices. Your development process should be agile, allowing for quick updates and compliance with new DOE policies or federal regulations.
    • Future-Proofing: Design the tool with scalability and adaptability in mind, ensuring it can evolve alongside DOE’s changing requirements and technological advancements.

    6. Ethical and Legal Considerations

    • Legal Compliance: Ensure that your tool complies with all relevant laws and regulations, particularly concerning intellectual property and the use of AI in federal government contexts.
    • Ethical Use of AI: Incorporate ethical considerations into your tool’s design and deployment, ensuring it contributes to DOE’s mission without compromising ethical standards.

    7. Strategic Alignment with DOE’s Mission

    • Supporting DOE’s Innovation Goals: Your tool should contribute to DOE’s broader mission of innovation and scientific progress. Highlighting how your AI tool can accelerate DOE’s research, operations, or administrative processes will be key to gaining support.
    • Potential for Broad Impact: Consider how the tool can be adapted for use across different DOE sites and functions, maximizing its impact and utility within the DOE framework.

    8. Risk Management

    • Proactive Risk Mitigation: The document underlines the importance of anticipating and managing risks, including AI hallucinations, data poisoning, and adversarial attacks. Your tool should include robust risk management features to address these concerns proactively.
    • Security Features: Implement advanced security features to protect the tool and its outputs from unauthorized access or manipulation.

    These takeaways can guide your AI professional in aligning the development of your tool with DOE’s strategic direction, ensuring it meets the necessary standards and adds significant value to the DOE and its contractors. By focusing on these areas, your tool will not only be compliant but also strategically positioned to support DOE’s mission.


In conclusion, aligning your AI development with the Department of Energy’s strategic objectives requires a careful balance of innovation, compliance, and ethical considerations. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your AI-driven tool not only meets the DOE’s rigorous standards for trustworthiness, security, and privacy but also enhances its value and relevance within the DOE ecosystem. The focus on human oversight, data management, and agile adaptability will position your tool as a vital resource in supporting the DOE’s mission of innovation and scientific advancement. As the landscape of Generative AI continues to evolve, staying proactive and responsive to emerging risks and opportunities will be key to the long-term success and impact of your project.

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